Thursday, June 21, 2007

Installing .CAB files on a Device with the Command-Line Tools or the ActiveX control

With the Srego CE Toolpack Command lines tools, there are two way to install a cab file on the device:

1) The cePush command has a /deploy flag. If this flag is specified and you are pushing a .cab file to the device, it will automatically be installed after it is copied to the device.

cePush /deploy

2) the ceStart utility can also be used. If the .cab file is already on the device, you can specify something like this to activate the .cab file on the device:

ceStart \windows\wceload.exe "\my documents\"

If you are using the Srego CE Toolpack ActiveX control, you will use the StartApplicationEx method as shown below with VB6 sample code:

Dim stat As Boolean

Dim parameters As String

parameters = Chr(34) + "\my documents\PGTViewer_WinMobile_7004.CAB" + Chr(34)

stat = SregoCETPx1.StartApplicationEx("\windows\wceload.exe", parameters)

There are two keys to making the StartApplicationEx correctly activate the .cab file. The application parameter must be “\windows\wceload.exe” and the parameters must be the path to the .cab file. If the path has spaces in it, you must put quotes around the path as shown in this example.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

ceAttrib added to the Command-Line Srego Toolpack

With version of the Srego CE Toolpack Command-Line utilities, a new utility called ceAttrib has been added.


The ceAttrib utility is run on a desktop computer to set file attributes on the connected device.

The ceAttrib utility will accept wildcards in the path name (* and ?) to get or set file attributes on more than one file.

There are 4 attributes the ceAttrib utility can be used to change: ReadOnly, Archive, Hidden, and System.

The ceAttrib utility can also be used to see what attributes are set on a file. It will show ReadOnly, Archive, Hidden, System, and Directory.

The ceAttrib utility will use the current directory (set by ceCD) and does require quotes around paths with spaces.

*** Note: Some attributes cannot be changed on certain platforms. For example, the System attribute cannot be changed on a Windows Mobile 5.0 or Windows Mobile 6 device.


ceAttrib - version
(c) Srego, Inc - 2007

Usage: ceAttrib [path] [/?] [+R -R] [+A -A] [+S -S] [+H -H]

[path] Specifies file(s) to touch. Wildcards are permitted.

[/?] Display usage.

[+R] Set Read-Only Attribute
[-R] Clear Read-Only Attribute

[+A] Set Archive Attribute
[-A] Clear Archive Attribute

[+S] Set System Attribute
[-S] Clear System Attribute

[+H] Set Hidden Attribute
[-H] Clear Hidden Attribute


To show the file attribute for a single file:

ceAttrib gps.log

ceAttrib - version
(c) Srego, Inc - 2007

Current Device Directory: \My Documents

A \My Documents\gps.log

Files: 1

To show more than one file’s attributes, you can use wildcards:

ceAttrib *.*

ceAttrib - version
(c) Srego, Inc - 2007

Current Device Directory: \My Documents

A \My Documents\gps.log
RA \My Documents\PGTViewer_WinMobile_7004.CAB
A \My Documents\MadisonCty.gtx

Files: 3

To add the Read Only attribute to a file:

ceAttrib gps.log +R

ceAttrib - version
(c) Srego, Inc - 2007

Current Device Directory: \My Documents

RA \My Documents\gps.log

Files Updated: 1

To remove the Read Only attribute to a file:

ceAttrib gps.log -R

ceAttrib - version
(c) Srego, Inc - 2007

Current Device Directory: \My Documents

A \My Documents\gps.log

Files Updated: 1

Srego CE ToolPack Command-Line Version is Available

The Srego CE ToolPack Command-Line tool version is Available.

Visit the Srego Support page to download.

----------- - 06/10/07

- NEW - ceTouch - The /t options allows a specific time to be specified.

- FIX - ceStart - Was not processing parameters correctly.

- NEW - ceAttrib - New utility added.

----------- - 05/16/07

- FIX - cePush, cePull - both has a problem with the /D flag because of the 2 second granularity of the device timestamp. The utilities were changed to allow a 1 second window around the timestamps being compared.

- FIX - ceTouch - was saying that it could not update any file.

Saturday, June 09, 2007

Srego ceCmd version is Available

The beta of the Srego ceCmd application has been updated.

----------- - 06/09/07
- NEW - Start command added.
- FIX - Fixes to the CD command.

- FIX - Copying files from the root on the device would give an error that the source could not be found.
- FIX - The CD command did not work correctly in all cases.