Sunday, December 03, 2006

Srego CE Toolpack Command-Line version is Available

The Srego CE ToolPack Command-Line tool version is Available.

Visit the Srego Support page to download.

----------- - 12/03/06
  • FIX - ceStart - Now correctly handles the current directory.
  • FIX - ceRmdir - was not being delivered.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Srego CE ToolPack ActiveX version is Available

Srego CE ToolPack ActiveX version is Available.

Visit the Srego Support page to download.

----------- - 11/01/06
  • FIX - PushFile and PushFileEx would incorrectly return success if a file on the device of the same name as the pushed file was locked by another application.

Thursday, September 21, 2006

Setting Time and Date on the Device From the Desktop

An interesting problem that has come up several times is how to set the time and date on the device via RAPI (which also includes the Srego CE ToolPack ActiveX control). There may be a simple solution to this that I don't know, but I have not found one so far. It is very simple to write an app for the device to set the time and date, and then call the app via RAPI with the Parameters. The sample set time app is available here; the eVC++ 4.0 source code is available on request.

The sample code below will check to see if the ceSetTime.exe is already on the device, if not it will push it to the device. Then the time and date from the desktop is used as parameters when starting the ceSetTime app on the device. One problem with this approach is the security prompt from Windows Mobile 5.0.

VB 6.0 Sample Code

' Check to see if ceSetTime.exe utility is on the device

If Not SregoCETPx1.VerifyFile("\windows\ceSetTime.exe") Then

' if ceSetTime.exe exe is not on the device, then copy it to the device
' The ceSetTime.exe should be in the same path as the main app in this
' example; however, it could be anywhere as long as you know the location

If Not SregoCETPx1.PushFile(App.Path + "\ceSetTime.exe", _

"\windows", False) Then

Debug.Print "unable to copy utility to device"

End If

End If

' Build the command line for the ceSetTime.exe utility
' ceSetTime
' the argument will be a valid integer value or and asterisk (*) to
' keep the devices original setting

Dim timeStr As String

timeStr = Str(Year(Date)) + " " + Str(Month(Date)) + " " + _

Str(Day(Date)) + " " + _
Str(Hour(Time)) + " " + Str(0) + " " + Str(Second(Time))

' Run the ceSetTime.exe on the device with the

' desktop's time as a parameter

SregoCETPx1.StartApplicationEx "\windows\ceSetTime.exe", timeStr

' Delete ceSetTime.exe from device

SregoCETPx1.DeleteFile App.Path + "\ceSetTime.exe"

Monday, August 14, 2006

Scripting and Automation: Creating .bat files for the Windows Mobile Device

Just like a batch file (.bat) can be used on the desktop to perform a series of tasks in a repeatable fashion, the Srego CE ToolPack Command-Line utilities provide an easy way to create scripts that interact with a connected Windows CE or Windows Mobile device.

A Batch File simply contains a list of commands that need to be run repeatedly. The commands in a batch file could be to copy files, delete files, move files, modify the registry, query the registry, launch applications, etc. A Batch File can contain complex logic such as looping, conditional statements, and use command-line parameters. Batch Files can also be assigned to shortcuts and placed on the Windows desktop so that they can easily be executed.

The Srego CE ToolPack Command-Line utilities mimic many of the desktop commands provided by the Command Prompt, so using the Srego CE ToolPack in your scripts is very easy; just use the ToolPack version of the command you would normally use on the desktop.

Friday, August 04, 2006

The ceDir Utility

The cePush and cePull utilities in the Srego CE ToolPack Command-line tools described in the previous posts do not have a direct correlation to the standard set of Command Prompt utilities. One could argue that cePush and cePull are the equivalent to Copy, but there is also a ceCopy which is a direct correlative to the Command Prompt Copy. So, the ceDir utility described in this post does directly correlate to the Command Prompt Dir command. The difference is that it shows the contents of the device's file system, not the desktop (where it is run).

The ceDir utility is run on a desktop computer to display a file list from a connected device. The ceDir utility is similar to the Command Prompt’s Dir command except the file list is for the device instead of the desktop computer. Many of the options found in the Dir command are found in ceDir.

ceDir [path][filename] [/?] [/MY] [/B] [/-C] [/O] [/T] [/A]

[path][filename] Specifies directory and/or files to list.
[/?] Display usage.

[/MY] Display My Documents directory.
[/B] Minimum Infomation.
[/-C] Do not display the thousand separator.
[/O][-][sortorder] Sort files:
N = by Name (alphabetical)
E = by Extension (alphabetical)
G = group directories first
S = by Size (smallest first)
D = by date/time (oldest first)
- = Prefix will reverse order
[/T][timefield] Specifies Time Field to use:
C = Creation (default)
A = Last Access
W = Last Written
D = Directorires
H = Hidden files
S = System files
R = Read-Only files
A = Archive files
[/S] Display all subdirectories


The default (no parameters) will display the contents of the current directory on the connected device. By default, the current directory is \My Documents, but can be changed with the ceCD command. One or more directories can be specified as parameters. If a directory (like \my documents) includes spaces, you must enclose the path in quotes (“”). The following three instances all show the contents of the \My Documents directory on the device:

C:\TEMP>ceDir (if the current directory is \My Documets)


C:\TEMP>ceDir "\my documents"


C:\TEMP>ceDir /MY

ceDir - version
(c) Srego, Inc - 2006

Current Device Directory: \My Documents

Directory of \My Documents

02/04/2002 08:43:00 AM 1,241,958 demo.gtx
11/25/2004 07:34:46 AM 121,601 test.gtx
12/16/2004 02:16:14 PM 101,160 TTFtest.gtx
12/14/2004 03:40:20 PM 252,668 Madison.gtx
12/06/2004 07:00:21 PM [DIR] My Pictures
11/11/2004 04:47:54 PM 1,830,399 MadisonCo.gtx
02/28/2003 09:18:20 AM 27,900 demoGPS.txt
08/15/2003 11:58:33 AM 41,812 gps.log
02/04/2004 08:08:48 AM 1,041,605 4s1e26.ecw
02/04/2004 08:05:56 AM 1,236,230 4s1e25.ecw
02/22/2005 08:19:54 AM 2,354,049 electGas.gtx
02/26/2004 06:00:02 PM [DIR] My Music
02/26/2004 06:00:02 PM [DIR] Business
02/26/2004 06:00:02 PM [DIR] Personal
02/26/2004 06:00:02 PM [DIR] Templates

10 File(s) 8,249,382 bytes
5 Dir(s)

The /MY option can be used to specify the \my documents directory regardless of the current directory. This option is no different than specifying the full path except that it is only 3 keystrokes instead of 15.Just like Command Prompt Dir command, ceDir can use wildcards in path to filter the output:

C:>ceDir *.gtx

ceDir - version
(c) Srego, Inc - 2006

Current Device Directory: \My Documents

Directory of \My Documents

02/04/2002 08:43:00 AM 1,241,958 demo.gtx
11/25/2004 07:34:46 AM 121,601 test.gtx
12/16/2004 02:16:14 PM 101,160 TTFtest.gtx
12/14/2004 03:40:20 PM 252,668 Madison.gtx
11/11/2004 04:47:54 PM 1,830,399 MadisonCo.gtx
02/22/2005 08:19:54 AM 2,354,049 electGas.gtx

6 File(s) 5,901,835 bytes
0 Dir(s)

The /O option can be used to sort the results by a variety of properties. The /ON will sort by name:

C:>ceDir *.gtx /on

ceDir - version
(c) Srego, Inc - 2006

Current Device Directory: \My Documents

Directory of \My Documents

02/04/2002 08:43:00 AM 1,241,958 demo.gtx
02/22/2005 08:19:54 AM 2,354,049 electGas.gtx
12/14/2004 03:40:20 PM 252,668 Madison.gtx
11/11/2004 04:47:54 PM 1,830,399 MadisonCo.gtx
11/25/2004 07:34:46 AM 121,601 test.gtx
12/16/2004 02:16:14 PM 101,160 TTFtest.gtx
6 File(s) 5,901,835 bytes
0 Dir(s)

The /O-N will sort by name in reverse order:

C:>ceDir *.gtx /o-n

ceDir - version
(c) Srego, Inc - 2006

Current Device Directory: \My Documents

Directory of \My Documents

12/16/2004 02:16:14 PM 101,160 TTFtest.gtx
11/25/2004 07:34:46 AM 121,601 test.gtx
11/11/2004 04:47:54 PM 1,830,399 MadisonCo.gtx
12/14/2004 03:40:20 PM 252,668 Madison.gtx
02/22/2005 08:19:54 AM 2,354,049 electGas.gtx
02/04/2002 08:43:00 AM 1,241,958 demo.gtx
6 File(s) 5,901,835 bytes
0 Dir(s)

The /OS will sort by file size:

C:>ceDir *.gtx /o-s

ceDir - version
(c) Srego, Inc - 2006

Current Device Directory: \My Documents

Directory of \My Documents

12/16/2004 02:16:14 PM 101,160 TTFtest.gtx
11/25/2004 07:34:46 AM 121,601 test.gtx
12/14/2004 03:40:20 PM 252,668 Madison.gtx
02/04/2002 08:43:00 AM 1,241,958 demo.gtx
11/11/2004 04:47:54 PM 1,830,399 MadisonCo.gtx
02/22/2005 08:19:54 AM 2,354,049 electGas.gtx
6 File(s) 5,901,835 bytes
0 Dir(s)

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Determining the Size of a Directory on the Device

A common question with the Srego CE ToolPack ActiveX control is how to find the size of a directory on the device. There is not a single method to determine this value, but it is not very difficult to determine using the following code:

Dim filelist As Variant

Dim typelist As Variant

Dim count As Variant

If SregoCETPx1.GetFileListEx("\storage card\my documents\*.*", _

filelist, typelist, count, "/S") Then

Dim total As Double

total = 0

For i = 0 To count - 1

If typelist(i) = 1 Then

total = total + _
SregoCETPx1.GetFileSize(filelist(i), 0)

End If


Debug.Print "Total: " + Str(total)

End If

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

The Undocumented CopyDB Method

Current verisons of the Srego CE ToolPack ActiveX control have an undocumented method. This method is not in the documentation because it did not meet the expectations of the users who wanted it added; however, many may find it useful none the less. The CopyDB method is an equivalent to the Srego CE ToolPack Command-Line tool ceCopyDB. The problem most users found with this method is that once you start it coping a .cdb file to the desktop from the device or an .mdb from the desktop to the device, it doesn't return control to your application until it is finished. So, there is no progress reporting, cancelling, or doing something else while it copies.

long CopyDB(long mode, BSTR sourceFile, BSTR destFile, BSTR options);

  • mode - set to 0 for copy from desktop to device; 1 for device to desktop.
  • sourceFile and destFile - the appropriate filename on the desktop or device.
  • Options - this is a string of option identical to the ceDbCopy.exe. The exception is that you do not use the /D2P, /P2D, /D, or /P flags as they are already specified with the other parameters.

[/SY] Keep tables in sync
[/T table name] Specific table to copy, this option is repeatable
[/O] Allow overwrite

To use the options, you just string them together with a space between the different options:
“/T tab1 /T tab2”

You will have to experiment with this to see what works and what doesn’t.


Private Sub Command1_Click()
' Copy Desktop to Device
MousePointer = vbHourglass
If SregoCETPx1.CopyDB(0, "c:\temp\test33.mdb", _
"\my documents\test.cdb", "") Then
List1.AddItem "Successfully copied."
temp = SregoCETPx1.GetErrorMessage
While temp <> ""
List1.AddItem temp
temp = SregoCETPx1.GetErrorMessage
End If
MousePointer = vbDefault
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()
' Copy Device to Desktop
MousePointer = vbHourglass
If SregoCETPx1.CopyDB(1, "\my documents\test.cdb", _
"c:\temp\test1.mdb", "") Then
List1.AddItem "Successfully copied."
temp = SregoCETPx1.GetErrorMessage
While temp <> ""
List1.AddItem temp
temp = SregoCETPx1.GetErrorMessage
End If
End Sub

Sunday, July 30, 2006

The cePull Utility

The counterpart to the cePush utility (described in the last post) is cePull. The cePull utility performs the opposite task by copying files from a connected device to the desktop. A variety of options are supported.

The cePull utility is run on a desktop computer to copy files from the connected device to the desktop machine. The cePull utility is similar to the Command Prompt’s Copy command except the source files are always on the device and the destination is always on the desktop computer.

cePull [device path] [destination path] [Options]
[device path] source path on device
[destination path] destination path
[/?] Display usage.
[/Y] Suppress overwrite confirmation.
[/S] Suppress hash mark status.
[/D] Copies only files whose source time is newer than the destination time.
[/R] Includes all Subdirectories.
[/O ] Omit path
[/OF ] Omit path file
[/X ] Exclude file
[/XF ] Exclude file file

If the source or destination paths contain spaces, make sure to enclose the paths in quotes. For example, if the source path is \My Documents on the device, it should be specified as "\My Documents" on the command line.

The source path can be a path and a specific filename or a path with a wildcarded filename (such as *.txt, *.*, etc.). If a wildcarded filename is specified in the source path, then the destination path must be an existing directory on the desktop (and not a filename). If the source path is a specific file (with no wildcards), the destination can be a directory, in which case the file will be copied with the same name to the desktop in the destination directory on the desktop. If the source path is a specific file and the destination path specifiies a file of a different name, the copied file will be renamed to the destination filename when copied to the desktop.
A hash mark (#) is displayed for every 10K bytes transferred by the cePull utility. Use the /S flag to suppress the hash mark display.

By default, the cePull utility will confirm that a file is to be overwritten if it already exists on the desktop. The overwrite confirmation will ask for a Yes, No, or All. Enter the first letter of the answer and press Enter. If Yes is selected, the file will be overwritten; if No is selected, the file will not be overwritten; and if All is selected, the file is overwritten and Yes will be answered for subsequent confirmations. If the /Y flag is specified on the command line, the confirmation will not be presented and any existing files will be overwritten.

The /D flag can be specified to perform a date compare when a file being copied from the device already exists on the desktop. If the date on the desktop file is newer than the device file, it will be skipped. A message is displayed saying that the file was skipped (the /S flag will suppress the display of the skip message).

The /R flag can be specified to recursively include all subdirectories found in the device source path. When using the /R flag, the destination path must be an existing directory (and not a file). If any files matching the search criteria are found in the device path, the files will be copied in the same directory structure on the desktop under the destination path. If the subdirectories do not exist on the desktop, they will be created.

The /O flag can be used to specify paths not to be included in the copy. The /O flag can be used as many times as necessary to specify multiple paths; however, the /OF flag can be used to specify a file on the desktop that contains a list of paths to omit. Paths can be specified as relative paths. The current directory on device will be used if the paths are relative. The omit path file should contain one path per line. If a line begins with a pound sign (#), the line will be ignored. The /O and /OF flags are generally useful only if the /R flag has also been specified.

/O "\my documents\test1"
/OF c:\temp\omitPath.txt

The /X flag can be used to specify a specific file to be excluded from the copy. The /X flag can be used as many times as needed to specify multiple files to exclude. A file name can be a relative path and can contain wildcards. If a relative path is used, the current directory on the device will be used. If a wildcarded filename is specified, all files matching the specified criteria will be excluded from the copy. If many files need to be excluded, the /XF flag can be used to specify a file on the desktop that includes a list of files to exclude. The exclude file should contain one file per line. If a line begins with a pound sign (#), the line will be ignored.

/X *.txt
/X "\my documents\file.txt"
/XF c:\temp\exclude.txt

With version of the cePull utility, relative paths can be used for both the device source path and the desktop destination path. For the device source path, relative paths are relative to the current directory on the device (which is set with the ceCD utility). For desktop paths, relative paths are relative to the path you are currently in when you run the cePull utility. The destination path can also be omitted completely and the current directory will be used.

See Also:
cePush, ceCopy, ceMove, ceCD


C:\>cePull \temp\file*.* c:\temp

Copies all files in the \temp directory on the device beginning with “file” to the C:\temp directory on the desktop.

C:\temp>cePull *.txt

Assuming the current directory on the device is “\My Documents” (which is set with the ceCD utility), all files with the .txt extension will be copied from the device’s \My Documents directory to the C:\temp directory (since no destination path is specified, the destination will be the current directory on the desktop).

C:\temp>cePull "\My Documents\*.txt" c:\temp\data /R

All files in the \My Documents directory with the .txt extension will be copied to the C:\temp\data directory. Also, all subdirectories in the \My Documents directory on the device will also be searched for *.txt files, and any subdirectories in the subdirectories, and so forth. The source path contains a space, so it must be enclosed in quotes ("…").

C:\temp\cePull "\My Documents\device.txt" c:\temp\test\desktop.txt

The device.txt file in the \My Documents directory on the device will be copied and renamed to desktop.txt in the c:\temp\test directory on the desktop. The source path contains a space, so it must be enclosed in quotes ("…").

C:\temp\cePull "\My Documents\*.*" c:\temp /R /O "\My documents\test"

All files in the \My Documents directory will be copied from the device to the c:\temp directory on the desktop including all subdirectories with the exception of the \my documents\test directory.

C:\temp\cePull "\My Documents\*.*" c:\temp /X *.txt /X "\my documents\test.ini"

All files in the \My Documents directory will be copied from the device to the c:\temp directory on the desktop except files that end in .txt and a file called test.ini.

C:\temp>cePull *.txt

cePull - version
(c) Srego, Inc - 2004
Current Device Directory : \My Documents
Current Desktop Directory: L:\dog\cePull1\Debug
Source Path : \My Documents \*.txt
Destination Path: C:\temp
Copying: test1.txt (15,120 bytes)
Destination: C:\temp\test1.txt
15,120 bytes copied.
Copying: test2.txt (292 bytes)
Destination: C:\temp\test2.txt
292 bytes copied.
2 files copied.

The cePush Utility

The Srego CE ToolPack is comprised of utilities to make development or any interaction with a connected device more efficient. Most of these tools were spawned from the development needs of the time and then rolled into generic tools and then packaged together. Since the beginning there have been several requests for new utilities and new functionality in the existing ones, but the tools that started it all were cePush and its counterpart cePull. This entry will provide some of the documentation for cePush and gives some examples of how it is used.


The cePush utility is run on a desktop computer to copy files from the desktop computer to the connected Windows CE or Windows Mobile device. The cePush utility is similar to the Command Prompt’s Copy command except the source files are always on the desktop computer and the destination is always on the Windows CE device.

cePush - version
(c) Srego, Inc - 2004
Usage: cePush [source path] [device path] [options]
[source path] source path on the desktop
[device path] destination path on device
[/?] Display usage.
[/Y] Suppress overwrite confirmation.
[/S] Suppress hash mark status.
[/D] Copies only files whose source time is newer than the destination time.
[/R] Includes all Subdirectories.
[/O ] Omit path
[/OF ] Omit path file
[/X ] Exclude file
[/XF ] Exclude file file

If the source or destination paths contain spaces, make sure to enclose the paths in quotes. For example, if the source path is \My Documents on the device, it should be specified as "\My Documents" on the command line.

The source path can be a path and a specific filename or a path with a wildcarded filename (such as *.txt, *.*, etc.). If a wildcarded filename is specified in the source path, then the destination path must be an existing directory on the device (and not a filename). If the source path is a specific file (with no wildcards), the destination can be a directory, in which case the file will be copied with the same name to the device in the destination directory on the device. If the source path is a specific file and the destination path specifics a file of a different name, the copied file will be renamed to the destination filename when copied to the device.
A hash mark (#) is displayed for every 10K bytes transferred by the cePush utility. Use the /S flag to suppress the hash mark display.

By default, the cePush utility will confirm that a file is to be overwritten if it already exists on the desktop. The overwrite confirmation will ask for a Yes, No, or All. Enter the first letter of the answer and press Enter. If Yes is selected, the file will be overwritten; if No is selected, the file will not be overwritten; and if All is selected, the file is overwritten and Yes will be answered for subsequent confirmations. If the /Y flag is specified on the command line, the confirmation will not be presented and any existing files will be overwritten.

The /D flag can be specified to perform a date compare when a file being copied from the desktop already exists on the device. If the date on the device file is newer than the desktop file, it will be skipped. A message is displayed saying that the file was skipped (the /S flag will suppress the display of the skip message).

The /R flag can be specified to recursively include all subdirectories found in the desktop source path. When using the /R flag, the destination path must be an existing directory (and not a file). If any files matching the search criteria are found in the desktop path, the files will be copied in the same directory structure on the device under the destination path. If the subdirectories do not exist on the device, they will be created.

The /O flag can be used to specify paths not to be included in the copy. The /O flag can be used as many times as necessary to specify multiple paths; however, the /OF flag can be used to specify a file on the desktop that contains a list of paths to omit. Paths can be specified as relative paths. The current directory on desktop will be used if the paths are relative. The omit path file should contain one path per line. If a line begins with a pound sign (#), the line will be ignored. The /O and /OF flags are generally useful only if the /R flag has also been specified.

/O "c:\data\test1"
/OF c:\temp\omitPath.txt

The /X flag can be used to specify a specific file to be excluded from the copy. The /X flag can be used as many times as needed to specify multiple files to exclude. A file name can be a relative path and can contain wildcards. If a relative path is used, the current directory on the desktop will be used. If a wildcarded filename is specified, all files matching the specified criteria will be excluded from the copy. If many files need to be excluded, the /XF flag can be used to specify a file on the desktop that includes a list of files to exclude. The exclude file should contain one file per line. If a line begins with a pound sign (#), the line will be ignored.

/X *.txt
/X "\my documents\file.txt"
/XF c:\temp\exclude.txt

With version of the cePush utility, relative paths can be used for both the desktop source path and the destination device path. For desktop source path, relative paths are relative to the path you are currently in when you run the cePush utility. For the device path, relative paths are relative to the current directory on the device (which is set with the ceCD utility). The destination path can also be omitted completely and the current directory will be used.


C:\>cePush c:\temp\file*.* \temp

Copies all files in the c:\temp directory on the desktop beginning with “file” to the \temp directory on the device.

C:\temp>cePush *.txt

Assuming the current directory on the device is “\My Documents” (which is set with the ceCD utility), all files with the .txt extension in the c:\temp directory (the current directory on the desktop) will be copied to the \My Documents directory on the device (since no destination path is specified, the destination will be the current directory on the device).

C:\temp>cePush c:\temp\data\*.txt "\My Documents" /R

All files in the c:\temp\data directory with the .txt extension will be copied to the \My Documents directory on the device.. Also, all subdirectories in the c:\temp\data directory on the desktop will also be searched for *.txt files, and any subdirectories in the subdirectories, and so forth. The device path contains a space, so it must be enclosed in quotes ("…").

C:\temp\cePush c:\temp\*.* "\My Documents" /R /O "\My documents\test"

All files in the c:\temp\*.* directory will be copied from the desktop to the \My Documents directory on the device including all subdirectories with the exception of the c:\temp\test directory.

C:\Temp>cePush file*.* "\My Documents"

cePush - version
(c) Srego, Inc - 2004
Current Desktop Directory: C:\TEMP
Current Device Directory : \my documents
Source Path : C:\TEMP\file*.*
Destination Path: \My Documents
Copying: file.txt (85 bytes) (1 of 5)
Destination: \My Documents\file.txt
85 bytes copied.
Copying: file1.txt (66,821 bytes) (2 of 5)
Destination: \My Documents\file1.txt
66,821 bytes copied.
Copying: file2.txt (12,384 bytes) (3 of 5)
Destination: \My Documents\file2.txt
12,384 bytes copied.
Copying: file3.txt (539,908 bytes) (4 of 5)
Destination: \My Documents\file3.txt
539,908 bytes copied.
Copying: filelist.txt (99 bytes) (5 of 5)
Destination: \My Documents\filelist.txt
99 bytes copied. 5 files copied.

Similar CE Tools and Utilities

I am sure there are several utilities on the internet similar to the Srego products. I want to go through as many as I can find and I will update this list as I find more.

For the Srego CE ToolPack command-line utilties, a set of tools from General Paranoyaxc Software as been pointed out to me. There are a lot of good utilities and tools here worth looking at, and they are all free. I point this site out because I read a posting about the Srego CE ToolPack once that sounded like the utilities I provide are freely available elsewhere. The answer is yes and no. Yes, there are similar tools available else where, but there is a significant amount of functionality added to the Srego tools not found in the free ones.

There are also developer tools similar to the Srego CE ToolPack ActiveX control. One example is from CeConnect, CeConnectFile, CEConnectSystem, CeConnectEvents. These are all good tools with evaluation versions to try. There are other controls from available for the CE platform: vbceDateTimePicker, vbceProgressBar, etc. Check these out too. Another good resource for developers wanting to use the Microsoft .NET Compact Framework is

Srego CE ToolPack ActiveX Control

The Srego CE ToolPack ActiveX Control is a development tool that encapsulates many of the features found in the Srego CE ToolPack command-line utilities. From the desktop, the ActiveX control can detect device connection and disconnection, manipulate files on the device, read and modify the device's registry, and interact with databases on the device. The ActiveX control communicates with the connected device via RAPI (Remote Application Programming Interface) and requires no software to be loaded on the device.

The Srego CE ToolPack ActiveX Control is a development tool that will work with Visual Basic or Visual C++ or any other development tools that support ActiveX controls.
Royalty-Free Distribution of the runtime is permitted as long as each developer using the control purchases a license.

The Srego CE ToolPack ActiveX Control provides methods to accomplish the following tasks:

Determining Device Connection Status

  • Events for device connection and disconnection
  • IP address Assignment

File Manipulation

  • Copy, Move, Push, Pull, Compare Directories
  • MakeDir, RemoveDir, FileList, Touch

Registry Manipulation

  • Read, Write, Delete, List

Database Manipulation

  • Create/Delete/List Databases, Add/Delete/Search Records

Device Information

  • Battery
  • Info, Processor Type, Memory Info, Screen Size

Srego CE ToolPack Command-Line Utilities

The Srego CE ToolPack Command-Line tools provides a set of utilities for the Windows desktop to manipulate a connected Windows CE or Windows Mobile device. The utilities in the ToolPack utilize RAPI and ActiveSync to communicate with the device so virtually all Window CE and Windows Mobile platforms are supported: Window CE 2.11, Handheld PC, Handheld PC Pro, Pocket PC, Pocket PC 2002, Handheld PC 2000, Window Mobile 2003, Windows Mobile 2003 SE, Window CE.NET, and Windows Mobile 5.0.

All of the utilities are command-line tools that are run on the desktop (not the device). Most of the utilities are similar in functionality to an existing Command Prompt utility (such as Copy, Del, Move, Dir, MkDir, RmDir, and Start) only the task is performed on the device, not the desktop. For example, the ceDir utility provided in the Srego CE ToolPack is similar to the Command Prompt Dir command, only the directory information it displays on the desktop will come from the Windows CE device. Additionally, cePush and cePull can be used to move files back and forth between the desktop and the device and to synchronize files between the device and the desktop.

Most of the utilities in the Srego CE ToolPack are not new and there are a variety of freeware/shareware utilities available that can perform some of the tasks the ToolPack utilities can accomplish. However, the utilities in the ToolPack are well equipped to handle a variety of task and support features like wildcard in filenames, synchronization, auto retry, and also support a current directory concept on the device to mimic the current directory concept on the desktop.

The Srego CE ToolPack utilities can be used to increase productivity when dealing with Windows CE devices. These utility can be used directly from a Command-Prompt window or in script files.

The Srego CE ToolPack utilities use RAPI (Remote Application Programming Interface) to communicate with the Windows CE device and no software needs to be loaded on the device.
The Srego CE ToolPack utilities run on a Windows Desktop platform: 95/98/ME/NT/2000/XP. The utilities will works with the following Windows CE platforms: Windows CE 2.11, Windows CE 3.0, Pocket PC, Pocket PC 2002, Handheld PC 2000, Window Mobile 2003, Window Mobile 2003 SE, Window CE.NET, Windows Mobile 5.0.

Utilities included in the Srego CE ToolPack:

ceCD – Sets the current directory on the device for the use with the other utilities.
ceCopy - Copy files from one location to another on a device.
ceDel - Delete files on a device.
ceDir - List files on a device.
ceMkdir - Create a directory on a device.
ceMove - Move files from one directory to another on a device.
cePull - Copy a file from a device to a desktop computer.
cePush - Copy a file from desktop computer to device.
ceRmdir - Remove a directory on a device.
ceStart - Start an application on a device.
ceDbCopy - Moves a .mdb file from the desktop to a cdb on device and vice versa.
ceTouch - Updates a file's last write time on a device from the desktop.
ceJump - Copies ASCII file to desktop, launches editor, pushes file back to device.
ceReg – Read and Write Registry values on the device.


Srego is dedicated to the development of mobile application on a variety of platforms. As a result of 12 plus years of mobile app development, a variety of tools and utilities have arisen to improve the usability and ease of mobile app development. The current focus has been Window CE platforms (Pocket PC, Windows Mobile, CE.NET, and SmartPhone) and the utilities are centered around these platforms. This Blog will be used as a depository for information on these utility and possibly generate some discussion on how to improve these tools and make them more useful for developers. Srego now provides 3 different software packages: Srego CE ToolPack, Srego CE ToolPack ActiveX Control. All of these utilities will work in an evaluation mode (free of charge) and commercial versions provide more functionality for a small fee. There are also some free utilities that have no other home and will be shared on this blog.